Launching boilerplate app to Nodejitsu: error -

This is my abstract: the same error message:

I mean.o cloning the boilerplate. I do not see anything wrong in the package. Json file. I tried to apply the same error message that was mentioned in it, but I think I am very new. This is my first stack overflow post Please help.

* Edit for more details: I clone a git of - mean.O Stack, I can run it just fine at the local level. But I want to deploy it in my nodejetsu account. I run 'jitsu deployed' in the command line and I get what I get in a similar summary. Json I try to change "Start": "node node_modules / grunt-clei / bin / blanket", "to start": "node server.js", based on the same error message I found no use , This is what happens.

I solved it due to your advice, but since you never posted package .json The file I am entering here for more users who might be missing out on the same problem in this post:

  {"name": "mean" , "Details": A fullstacks JavaScript framework powered by "MEAN - MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS, NodesJS" "" Version ":" 0.1.2-2 "," private ": wrong," repository ": {" type ":" Git "," url ":" "}," Engine ": {" node ":" 0.10.x "," npm ":" 1.3.x "}," script ": {" start ":" node server. "Node nod_modia / conveyor / bin / conveyor install"}, "dependency": {"express": "JS", "test": "node node_module / grunt-cli / bin / cancer test", "post-install" ~ ~ 3.4.7 "," ~ 1.2.8 "," Grunt-CLI ":" ~ 0.1.11 "," Connect-Mongo ":" ~ 0.4.0 "," Connect-Flash ":" ~ 0.1.1 "," Consolidated ":" ~ 0.10.0 "," swing ":" ~ 1.3.2 "," Mongoose ":" ~ 3.8.3 "," passport ":" ~ 0.1.18 "," Passport-local "" ~ 0.1.6 "," Passport-Facebook ":" ~ 1.0.2 "," Passport-Tweeter ":" ~ 1.0.2 "," Passport-Gitub ":" ~ 0.1.5 "," Passport -google-AOuth ":" ~ 0.1.5 "," Passport "~ 0.1.3", "Junk": "~ 2.4.1", "Forever": "~ 0.10.11", "View-Helpers" "~ 0.1.4", "Meaning- Logger ":" 0.0.1 "}," Developer ": {" Grant-NV ":" ~ 0.4.1 "," Grunt-CLI ":" ~ 0.1 11 "," Content-Contrib-Watch ":" Latest "," Grunt-Contrib-Jashant ":" latest "," grunt-karma ":" ~ 0.6.2 "," cante-nodomone ":" 0.2.0 "," kurt-coffee-preprocessor ":" ~ 0.1 "": "Latest", "grunt-motcha-test": "latest", "karma": "~ 0.10.4" "karma-coverage": "~ 0.1.0", "karma" -script-launcher ":" ~ 0.1.0 "," karma-chrome-l "~ 0.1.0", "Karma-Firefox-Launcher": "~ 0.1.0", "Karma- html2js-preprocessor": "~ 0.1.0", "Karma-Jasmin": "~ 0.1 "~ 0.10.11", "Superstate": "~ 0.9.0", "Karma-phatcom-Launcher": "~ 0.1.0", "Forever": " 0.8.2 "," should ":" 2.1.1 "}," subdomain ":" hitman666-mean2 "}  

After this change I have once again deployed my application , And everything went without an error, but when I browsed it on nodejetu, I found an error: 502 max re Cross went reached the limit .

I realized that I do not have the right MongoDB connection string, and I had to edit the file production.js to replace it, which would be config / env / is in the folder. I have copied the MongodiBi connection string from Nodjetsu's admin dashboard (I have written this how to set it on my blog post).

After this change, I deployed my app again, and now everything was working, yay!

If anyone is interested, then this is the full blog post that I have done this:


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