javascript - Resizing a hidden-frame -

I am trying to load a webpage in a hidden frame (SDK / frame / hidden frame) and then a screenshot of it I can just get right screenshot I, but the frame has been provided using the following code is not properly sized screenshots

  var hiddenFrames = require ( "sdk / frame / Hidden-frame "); The hidden hidden hidden (hidden Fremkhaidedfrem ({onReady: function () {this.element.contentWindow.location = ""; to themselves; this.element.addEventListener ( "DOMContentLoaded", function () {var cnvs = self.element.contentDocument.createElement ( "canvas"); var width = self.element.contentDocument.body.clientHeight; // client.Width 0 is www for some reason. = Self.element.contentDocument.body.clientHeight for var height; cnvs.width = width; cnvs.height = height; var ctx = cnvs.getContext ( "2d"); console.log (width + "+ height "); ctx.drawWindow (Self.element.contentWindow, 0, 0, width, height," rgb (255,255,255) "; console.log (cnvs.toDataURL ());}, true, true);}}) );  

I widened the iframe E and height have been attempted

  this.element.width = "1600"; This.element.height = "900";  

Changing the size of the element.contentWindow with resizeTo () , and changing the shape of the body. None of them have an effect on the final screenshot, which looks

Enter image details After adding the iframe (or the script that contains iframe), try adding it to the parent page.

  $ ('iframe'). Load (function () {$ (this) .css ({width: 1600, height: 900});});  


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