
Showing posts from August, 2014

objective c - Why is my custom delegate method not being called? -

I have a view controller with 4 buttons (homepage) and then a tabbed controller with 3 view controllers. One of the view controllers of TabBarController, I want to use a tabber icon as a way to go back to the "homepage". I am connected to a custom class that I called "Homeview Controller" for that view controller. See the picture below Home VIPU Controller File. I have created a protocol with a method called "return toohompepe" Home ViUi Controller Whenever the file loads the file, it calls the representative. In my homepage view controller. File I have to make sure that the file protocol follows HomepageViewController File I instantly set an example of HomeViewController and set myself up, but never called the homepage method again! Not sure what I'm missing ... I think before you are representative representative set you are calling the representative method. When you call the alloc-init controller, it is called Start an...

symfony2.4 - symfony2 use global validator service in my own service -

I'm new to Symphony, and I see in documents that I can get validator service in the controller and use it I can: $ this-> Receive ('validator'); What is the correct way to get a valid service in my own service class? Thanks Put it in service like this your.service: class: path \ to \ your \ service arguments: [ @validator]

Excel - compare text from 2 ranges using nested loop -

After text "itemprop =" text "> 2 am trying to loop excel ranges and workbook in cell one from one to cell in a workbook Comparing text and similar. Text matches, I'm setting the variable equal to the column number from each workbook. for each cell (MyWB) .sheets ("export") in xl.Workbooks. Range ("D2: J2".) For every C (TempWB) .sheets ("TempExports") in xl.Workbooks, the problem with the range ("D1: J1") I'm getting my gap insert loop. The second row above is throwing a kind of mismatch, but why? And what can I do to solve it? If I remember correctly that the above syntax works in VBA then I guess it will work on the Net, but apparently this is not the case. Any suggestions? I am using VB.NET with WinForms. A little more detail here for each cell (myWB) in xl.Workbooks. Some codes (for "Sheets") are exported ("Export") .Range ("D2 ("TempExports D1: J1") for every C (Tem...

c# - Authentication In MVC & WebAPI Website -

I have a website that has simple form authentication, the credentials are valid with the database. It's fine as it is. My & lt; web.config within System.web & gt; I have: & lt; Authentication mode = "form" & gt; & Lt; Forms loginUrl = "~ / account / login" timeout = "2880" /> & Lt; / Authentication & gt; I need to add a small WebAP controller to the site for an app to drag a list of objects. It seems, as far as WebApi authentication goes, the original authentication will be fine. I will have user credentials in the application, which can easily pass, request encoded in the header. My problem is differentiating between MVC and WebApi authentication. First of all, is my solution a good idea, and implemented smoothly? Currently, I have my WebApiConfig.cs in: Global Configuration. Configuration. Message Holders Add (New BasicAuthenticationHandler (New Authentication Service)); Looks for credentials in ...

is it possible to draw line with graphael with combination of positive and negative numbers? -

I have some numbers, including positive and negative, and I want to show them in the format of the line (gender chart or trending). I found GRFlal very interesting and I saw with some examples that it works perfectly with positive numbers, but I am thinking that does it work with a combination of positive and negative numbers? (Since I want to format like below). Did anyone have exprience like grapahel?

vbscript - If- Else If statement in vbs scripts -

I know that if if-else if statement is required to create so different messages based on the button will appear. Will press if you type if , alsef and End if directions. If i = 10 then the reaction. Write ("Just started! ...") Isef = 11 then react Write ("Hungry!") Closing if

regex - Algorithm for 2 Pattern String Matching -

I need an algorithm code to match two pattern prefix / suffix for the longest time, whose time complexity is O (n + M1 + m2), where n is the length of string and m1, m2 is the length of pattern 1 and pattern 2 respectively. Example: If the string is "obtoto" and the pattern is 1 "bana" and Patton 2 is "SIESTA", then the answer is "nickname" of the string, in which the prefix of Bana and the suffix Ti of SIESTA are included. Results from Google: "Rabin-Carp String Search Algorithm", "Noth-Morris-Prat Algorithm" and "Bauer-Moore String Search Algorithm". I am able to understand all of the above 3 algorithms, but the problem is that they are unable to expand to all the "single pattern prefix / suffix matching" to match them in two pattern prefix / suffix. A sample algorithm or a link to search would be very useful for me in developing the program. Knuth - Morris - Protea can be modified directly for ...

c# - Is it possible to have a EF Context for MySql and SqlServer? -

I have references to two body structure, one for MySQL and one for SQL. If I run the app, I get the following error The default DB configuration example was used by the unit framework before searching for 'MySQLFFC Configuration' type. However, if I find the database type at the beginning of the app, then call it Database.SetInitializer , my normal SQL reference is now attempting to connect to the Mysql provider. My MySQL context [Definition type (typef (MySQLifference)) Public class zipcode scheme: DBCOntax {public DBset & lt; Zipcode & gt; Zipcode {get; Set; }} My General Context Public category MyContext: DbContext {public DbSet & lt; MyClass & gt; MyClasses {get; Set;}} and finally the Entity Framework section & lt; EntityFramework & gt; & Lt; DefaultConnectionFactory type = "System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.SqlConnectionFactory, EntityFramework" /> & Lt; Providers & gt; & Lt; Provider invaria...

javascript - Scroll children content inside <frame> on iOS -

What is the best way to scroll that content from within the loaded page I know that Apple developer documentation Tells to stay away from & lt; Frameset & gt; and & lt; Frame & gt; But unfortunately we can not do this because of customer restrictions HTML is established such as: & lt; Frameset rows = "0,0,0, *, 0" frameborder = "0" framespacing = "0" border = "0" & ​​gt; & Lt; Frame id = "frm1" name = "frm1" src = "some-aspx-page" frameborder = "0" scrolling = "no" nores size = "" & gt; & Lt; Frame id = "frm2" name = "frm2" src = "result.htm" frameborder = "0" scrolling = "no" nores size = "" & gt; & Lt; Frame id = "frm3" name = "frm3" src = "result.htm" frameborder = "0" scrolling = "no" nores size = "" & gt;...

css - How to change width of Featured /Latest module extension in open cart? -

यह प्रश्न एक सटीक डुप्लिकेट है: मैं वास्तव में इसकी सराहना करता हूं अगर कोई इस से मेरी मदद कर सकता है मैं अपने दोनों नवीनतम / फीचर्ड मॉड्यूल की चौड़ाई बदलना चाहता हूं ताकि सभी उत्पादों को एक ही चौड़ाई के रूप में दिखाई दें, क्योंकि स्लाइड शो अच्छा है और बाएं में नहीं, जैसा कि वेबसाइट से देखा जा सकता है। इस पर किसी भी प्रकार की सहायताबहुत प्रशंसनीय होगी। मैंने नीचे दी गई छवि को संलग्न किया है। अपने विशिष्ट मामले में और आपके प्रश्न के आधार पर आपको बस जोड़ने की आवश्यकता है : .box {width: 980px; } इस निर्देशिका में stylesheet.css के अंत में 'कैटलॉग / दृश्य / थीम / डिफॉल्ट / स्टाइलशीट'

c# - I am having trouble overlaying graphics on another window -

प्रोग्राम.cs: सिस्टम का उपयोग कर; System.Collections.Generic का उपयोग कर; System.Linq का उपयोग कर; System.Text का उपयोग कर; सिस्टम का उपयोग। थ्रेडिंग। टास्क; नेमस्पेस टेस्ट {क्लास प्रोग्राम {स्टैटिक व्हाइड मेन (स्ट्रिंग [] एआरजीज़) {के लिए (इंट आई = 0; आई & lt; 1000000000; आई ++) {विंडोहाण्डलरटेस्ट ओव्हरले (); }}}} WindowHandler.cs: सिस्टम का उपयोग कर; System.Collections.Generic का उपयोग कर; System.Diagnostics का उपयोग कर; System.Drawing का उपयोग कर; System.Linq का उपयोग कर; System.Runtime.InteropServices का उपयोग कर; System.Text का उपयोग कर; सिस्टम का उपयोग। थ्रेडिंग। टास्क; System.Windows.Forms का उपयोग कर; नेमस्पेस टेस्ट {स्टैटिक क्लास विंडोहाण्डलर {प्राइवेट कॉस्ट स्ट्रिंग WINDOW_TITLE = "माइनस्वीपर"; निजी स्थिर IntPtr विंडोहैंडले = IntPtr.Zero; सार्वजनिक स्थिर शून्य परीक्षाओवरले () {if (windowHandle == IntPtr.Zero) {windowHandle = getWindowHandle (); } ग्राफिक्स जी = ग्राफिक्स। फ्रॉमह्वांड (विंडोहैंडल); G.FillRectangle (नया सॉलिडब्रश (रंग। व्हाइट), 0, 0, ...

air - Flex 4 - manifest breaking spark -

When I use the following namespace command line arguments (compiler options in addition to flashcacked) and announcement, using SPARC component (using solid collier, gradients entry), -Namespace Library: // lib / manifest.xml Xmlns: sn = "library: //" When I explicitly xmlns: sn = " Com.shinynet.shinylib with them Declares, everything works fine .components. * " But, of course, I will use more instead of using a manifest to update and simplify the organization . Any thoughts that are happening here?

c++ - Keeping an ofstream object open even after the function exits -

Visual Studio has a code written in C ++, which basically writes a set of floating point number (70 floating point). A binary file on each ticker of a timer. The number is taken from a machine that is used. WriteToFile (float * buffer, et buffers) {offstream out; For (filename, ios :: app) (int i = 0; i & lt; buffersize; i ++) // buffersize 70 is here {out.precision (6); Out.setf (iOS :: fixed, ios :: floatfield); Out.written ((Const four *) and Buffer [i], Float); }} This function is called for every ticker of the timer. It is taking so much time, even after the experiment I still wait for the program to receive and save data It has to be done in the file. Due to its slowing cause, it requires opening a binary file for each tick and finding the location where it was previously closed. If there is a method then I can open the file all the time and place location indicator in one place where it was previously closed I could be able to sharpen it. Do any suggestions on...

web services - How do I find all commits made by a certain user via GitHub API? -

Assuming that I have the necessary GitHub authentication credentials, how do I get all the commands made by a particular user? Working Code Below I wrote to you that the simplified coffee script implements the recommended strategy in the accepted answer. Except this snippet, the code is expected for the global variable configuration , which should have a property user , and a property token A GitHub authentication token for the user said code also searches for command in a global meteor archive commits maybe this code has bugs, but it works to at least some degree Of suggested improvements Is welcomed. logger = new logger ("gitub") getResource = (Yuri, done) -> Option = auth: "Token: # {configuration.token}" header: "User-agent": "GeethHub comments" ("get", Yuri, option, made) getCommits = (user, user url, Time, done, page = 1, number quotes = 0) - & gt; Receiving event page # {pages} for eventsUrl = ...

Reading a string in C++ using scanf -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 2 जवाब मैं एक पढ़ने की कोशिश कर रहा हूँ Scanf का उपयोग करके सी ++ में स्ट्रिंग मैंने कोशिश की चार सीएमडी [40]; Scanf ("% s", सीएमडी); स्ट्रिंग स्ट्र (सीएमडी); लेकिन यह मुझे एक स्ट्रिंग प्राप्त कर लेता है जो मेरे पास कुछ गैर-भावुक अक्षरों को प्राप्त करना है। scanf से % s निर्दिष्टकर्ता इनपुट स्ट्रिंग के बाद एक नल टर्मिनेटर संग्रहीत करेगा जो कचरा अक्षर को स्ट्रिंग में आने से रोकता है ... जब तक कि आपके कोड ने अपरिभाषित व्यवहार किया है। आपकी समस्या यह है कि इनपुट बफ़र से बह निकला है, जिसके परिणामस्वरूप अपरिभाषित व्यवहार; किसी उपयुक्त बफर आकार के बिना % s निर्दिष्टकर्ता का उपयोग करते समय scanf बफर की सीमा से बाहर लिख सकता है उस बिंदु पर आपको इस बात की कोई गारंटी नहीं है कि कार्यक्रम किस प्रकार व्यवहार करेगा। कभी भी % s के साथ scanf का उपयोग बफर आकार प्रदान नहीं करने के लिए करें: चार सीएमडी [40]; Scanf ("% 39s", सीएमडी); स्ट्रिंग स्ट्र (सीएमडी);

C - Problems extracting data from buffer. Possibly endianess-related -

I'm having some difficulties in extracting data from buffers using memory. First of all, I have variables in some buffer: variable char * msg to store in b> Then I try to remove that data (check before sending the UDP socket): int l1_send (int device, const char * Buf, int length) {// variable to store the extracted data uint16_t id = 0; Uint16_t size = 0; Four messages [50]; Memcpy (& amp; id, & amp; buf, sizeof (id)); Memcpy (& amp; Size, & amp; buf + sizeof (ID), sizeof (size)); Int balance = ntohs (size) - (sizeof (id) + sizeof (size)); Printf ("l1_send (): \ n Finish:% d \ n", left); // -37041 // memcpy-ing correct (?) Offset mempi (& msg, and buff + size) size (size), 50); Msg [49] = '\ 0'; Printf ("id:% d \ n", ntohs (id)); // 8372 printf ("Size:% d \ n", ntohs (size)); // 37045 printf ("msg:% s \ n", msg); // $ _ Return 0; // for now} As you can see, the values ​​are not quite what I hop...

html - Can't combine selectors using commas in CSS -

HTML placeholders always appear slightly more than the center of the input, so I try to use CSS as I am: - WebKit-Input-placeholder For some reason, I can not combine the selectors to push them down a bit, it is showing a sidel: I do not want to separate them Wish because I use a CSS compression tool Which automatically connects the lines now, I can separate them manually, but in the future, I forget that I can not add these lines. You can not use commas to combine vendor-prefixed selectors, because when someone The browser has to face a selector that it does not understand, then the line "gets thrown out." For any selector, only :: For the pseudo-classes, it is necessary to break the vendor prefix. Here is a link to a comment on the problem.

javascript - adding json data using taffydb in durandal -

I'm trying to use taffydb with durandal. I have a simple. JSS- I'm able to add data (How a colleague showed me :-)) Now I want to save it using Taffydub. The main. JS: requirejs.config ({path: {'tabhi': '../lib/db-master/taffy' ...}}); participant.js: Define (['durandle / app', 'knockout', 'model / user', 'tax'], The function whenever I add it: var db = taffy; db.insert ({record: 1, data: "test"}); I get this error: Uncustom Type error: The method of the undefined can not place the 'Insert' call Excluding the test data will be added as expected. I'm holding 'dornal' wrongly? If you are loading, then you are in the configuration passing through RequireJS because TAFT is not AMD-aware. I believe That this should work: shim: {taffy: {exports: "TAFFY"}} I have never used Taffy So I do not know what the dependency can be. deps: [...] to add fields to the shell...

javascript - jQuery php variable problems -

I am trying to capture the correct variable in this jQuery function, but the button I click, the warning is always the name Shows I have the first label that I have a thought? Thank you. & lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" src = "" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; $ (Document) .ready (function () {$ (". Submit") (function () {var name = $ ("# name"). Val (); alert (name);})}}; & Lt; / script & gt; & lt; / head & gt; & lt; body & gt; & lt ;? php included ("connection.php"); $ link = connect (); $ result = mysql_query (" Name (* result), $ link); if (mysql_fetch_array ($ result) == 0) {resonant "no names are registered"} and {while {$ row = mysql_fetch_array ($ result)) {resonance "& lt ; Html...

c# - Null id value in MVC 4 Controller -

I am developing an MVC 4 internet application and I'm having trouble after creating an object. Here is the code where the error is happening: [Authorize] [http post] [validAnnetGreativein] Public actionbelt (int id, comment comment) {if (ModelState .IsValid) {book book = Db.books.Where (b = & gt; BID == ID). first (); Comment. Username = us.GetCurrentlyLoggedInUserName (); Book.comments.Add (comment); Db.SaveChanges (); Return Redirect Action ("Index", ID); } View return (comment); } Here is an index action result: Public Action Result Index (Ent ID) {var CommentbookViewModel = New CommentsWellModel (); CommentsBookViewModel.bookId = ID; CommentsbookviewModel.IsUser LogDidin = us.IsUserLoggedIn (); CommentsBookViewModel.loggedInUserName = us.GetCurrentlyLoggedInUserName (); Comments BookViewModel.comments = db.books.Where (b = & gt; bid == ID). First and last default (). notes. ToList (); See Return (commentsBookViewModel); } Here is an error: Th...

c# - How to copycloning a Canvas? -

To avoid adding new / identical elements to project elements, I want to clone a Canvas element clone (Programmatic) in WPF (Document Settings) ). For example, I have a collection of paths in canvas element / control - and this element takes about 300 KB of project size. If I add more than one element, then the XI file is heavy. I get information about other pages about that question, and the answer / solution - comes in that line of code: class WpfObjectCopier {public static t Clone & lt; T & gt; (T Source) {var objXaml = XamlWriter.Save (source); Var stringReader = new string reader (objXaml); Var xmlReader = XmlReader.Create (stringReader); Var t = (T) XamlReader.Load (xmlReader); Return T; }} Usage: object obj = WpfObjectCopier.Clone (Delimiter); And the problem is by choosing different / different. Margin or second condition. How can I solve this kind of problem? Visible is easy to use element in a UN clone WPF. They extend all the views class which ...

Microsoft Azure Blob Storage Upload Performance -

I am playing a blue web role, which is storing very small blobs in blue storage. (Blob is being done from the upload server, not the browser.) I have searched the stack overflow and the rest of the Internet for tips on optimizing the blob storage display, and I believe I check all the common suspects and Implemented: Uploading Async, allows unlimited outgoing web connections (which now have default settings on web roles and it is now in web.config or There is no need to set the code explicitly). The number of concurrent uploads that allow me to make a difference, but despite that, I think that about 1,000 blob uploads per second would have been When Ezur is in the web role, in the same area as the storage account (East America). My rate of running at home on a good internet connection is not very low, ~ 700 Blobs / sec, which tells me that the network latency, which is limited, is not the real processing time of the storage service. I do not consider these rates terrible for ...

java - UtteranceProgressListener not working for Android TTS -

I am creating an app that uses TTS to synthesize wav files every time the broadcasting receiver starts is. I am working on Android studio (latest) and I am using API level 19 with 15 minutes. tts.synthesizeToFile (game, empty, storagepath + "/" "+" Tst.wav "); The file has been successfully created, but the ondown (method) of the mutation progress list is never called. Creates on Public Zero () {super.onCreate (); If TTS TTS = New TextToSpeech (PresenterService.this, New TextToSpeech.OnInitListener) {@Override Public Zero onInit (integer position) {// if available, use TextToSpeech.Engine.ACTION_CHECK_TTS_DATA to check: // TODO TTS capabilities received // // TTS engine was successfully launched {tts.setLanguage (Locale.US); tts.setPitch (PRESENTER_PITCH); tts.setSpeechRate (PRESENTER_RATE);} (position = TextToSpeech.ERROR!)}}); Tts.setOnUtteranceProgressListener (new TtsUtteranceListener ()); IntentFilter Filter = New Intent Filter (); Filter....

regex - php preg_split first uppercase -

Using the following code, You can blast the string with uppercase. But how do you blast it only on uppercase first? Say you have Hello minister there . I want to meet hi . I can add the result to the above link, but if there is any way to leave it, then it's great! Thanks According to your document, RTM will also have a $ Limit parameter to answer: $ pieces = Preg_split ('/ (? = [AZ]) /', $ str, 1);

java - Free up not used View when creating new ones -

I have got two types of array adapter in my application which dynamically loads both data (more or less). The first is connected to a thread that sets fire to every second to refresh the data. The second refreshes the data with an onclick action. Now when I run my application, I can see with the dampas Memonfu that the view counter is constantly growing (on the piece with thread). Obviously this causes a huge memory leak after a few seconds / minutes. The same happens for onClick. My impression is that those "old" data are still stored in those views and will not be free. Is there a way to remove every old scene? My adapter is located here; The main way to use the adapter is (createList ()); Edit: I have found a solution if anyone is interested; As mentioned, need to notify me to use a dataset () - The method whenever I change the data. Working with the list if it is possible only in my example its list & lt; AdapterInit & gt; which advises me to use...

mysql - concat rows in 2nd table of query -

I thought that a SQLfield has been created here! I am running the following tables on 2 tables (the second internal has already been added): select, c.custom_message, d.log_id , C.price, c.quantity, d.value to wp_wpsc_cart_contents c JOIN wp_wpsc_submited_form_data d.log_id = c.purchaseid where name '% $ word%' as In the first table, I need all the data in single rows, but in the second table, the data is spread over 6 rows in a column. This results in 6 instances of the same data in the table. How can I process data in Table 2 to eliminate duplication? Screenshot of Table 2 "Https://" alt = "Enter image details here"> Use GROUP_CONCAT : select, wp_wpsc_cart_contents.custom_message, wp_wpsc_submited_form_data.log_id, wp_wpsc_cart_contents.price, wp_wpsc_cart_contents.quantity, GROUP_CONCAT (wp_wpsc_submited_form_data value) wp_wpsc_cart_contents where wp_wp...

jquery - Images appear in all browsers except IE -

I have just bought this template. Any time I replace any picture on the website in Dreamweaver, they will not appear in IE. Website images work fine, because I am given, but once I do not work only after excluding images, my images work fine in all other browsers. IE will show them in a while if I reload the page But apart from this, it will not usually show to any of them, I think the images may need to be placed in some jquery or CSS code instead of the source code, but This logo is not working too. Please help!

javascript - Display image depending on two input radio buttons -

I am trying to display an image based on the selection of 4 different radio buttons with 2 different names . For example, the first group of the radio button should select the product model (two options) and the second set of radio buttons (two options). Here are the radio buttons: & lt; Img src = "rack-bk.jpg" name = "formula" id = "formula" & gt; & Lt; Br> & Lt; Input type = "radio" name = "model" value = "rack" id = "rack_option" & gt; Rack & lt; Input type = "radio" name = "model" value = "norack" id = "norack_option" & gt; ; Norak & lt; Br> & Lt; Br> & Lt; Input type = "radio" name = "color" value = "black" id = "black_option" & gt; Black & lt; Input type = "radio" name = "color" value = "gray" id = "gray_pash" & gt; Gray ...

php - Class with a db query, extending, functions and views. Am I doing it right way? -

There is only slight progress in my practice Most of my code works but I'm not sure I work correctly ? Please tell me if I make a mistake and can correct me. First, I create autoload functions: function autoload_models ($ Models) {if (file_exists (MODELS_PATH. $ Model. .php ')) {require_once MODELS_PATH $ model' .php '; Back true; } Other {return false; }} Spl_autoload_register ('autoload_models'); Function autoload_controllers ($ controller) {if (file_exists (CONTROLLERS_PATH. $ Controller. '.php')) {require_once CONTROLLERS_PATH $ controller '.php'; Back true; } Other {return false; }} Spl_autoload_register ('autoload_controllers'); I have a class like this: class category {public $ db; Public $ rows; Public $ id; Public function build_category () {global $ db; Global $ rows; $ Db = new database (); $ Db- & gt; Queries ("SELECT *" from categories); $ Rows = $ db-> gt; result (); } Public function ca...

ios - How to create block with patameters? ios7 -

Let me create a block like this: 1) Define your own completed block , typingfile (^ myCompletion) (BOOL); 2) Create a method that takes your entire block as a complete parameter, - (zero) myMethod: (myCompletion) compblock {// do stuff compblock (yes); } 3) How do you use it, [my mymethod: ^ (BOOL end) {if (end) {NSLog (@ " Success"); }}]; How can I send the array to the block and then how can I get a new array from the block? // Here I got an array of image IDs and go to the loop to download it, NSString * URLString = [NSString stringWithFormat: @ "% @", request string ]; NSURL * url = [NSURL URLWithString: URLString]; NSURLRequest * urlRequest = [NSURL request request with url: url]; AFHTTPRequestOperation * Request Operation = [[PHPTraffic Operation Allocon] InitVatRezeStrite: URLReverest]; RequestOperation.responseSerializer = [AFImageResponseSerializer serializer]; [Request Operation Setup Block Volume Successful: ^ (FHttpKAEASTA Ope...

css - Symfony2: Stylesheets loaded but not applied on NGINX leading to broken error pages -

I have just installed a new and clean Symphon app. I am using NGINX as my webserver. The stylesheet devtools do not show an HTTP 404 error code in the Network-tab, and I can see their content properly in the preview tab. Example image: Does anyone face any issues like this? I think this may be a permissible issue ... Edit # 1: Attaching a picture of chrome devtools showing the CRS are loading correctly. You need to make sure that your nginx.conf actually includes the correct mime-type {http / conf] .. text / css css;

sql - Postgres 9.3 index involving JSON column -

I have this table structure: create table user_times (user_id bilitates user ID ), Does not have item_id statement reference id (id), call 1 Jason defaults '[[{{"text": ""}], Cole 2 Jason defaults' [["", "", "text": " "}", "Colle 3 Jason Defaults" {{"text": ""} ', primary key (user_id, item_id)) I will run queries like this: / P> SELECT * to user_items WHERE item_id = '?' And if so, then what is it? This is the right way to do this, because postgres are throwing an error when trying Because col1 is a JSON type. I suggest using one of the item_id on: Create E.E.I.ID on item_id (item_id) where call is not 1 col1 is irrelevant here.

ios - What does clear button set UITextField to? -

I have a piece of code that is responding to the text field. I want to see when . The text of the field is empty (either bypassed all the way or cleaned with a small round x button on the right). If I .text == @ " my code works, the user provides backspace. This does not work if the user has used a clear button. What does the explicit button set the .text of the text field? (I have logged it out and if I print it between two other characters, I see the blank.) Maybe me just .text == @ "" ? Maybe .length == 0 or something else? thanks ! "Clear" button probably sets text property to zero . Whenever you want to see that the text is free to use: if there is no text (some text is zero in someText.length == 0) {// soneText } This works for empty code as zero values.

find the absolute file path of a data set in R studio for rattle -

I am working on R Win 7x64. I have installed and opened a data mining tool rattle. After loading the library in R Studio, I can access the data set present in the library. 'Rattle' data set in the library (rattle) package: Audit sample illustrations to show the dataset rattling functionality for rattling functionality. Samples and weather to describe the functionality of the full dataset rattle WeatherAUS sample and full dataset alcohol to show the functionality of sample and full dataset rattles alcohol datasets from UCI Machien Learning repository. Threat () // Open a GUI But in GUI I can not see the weather.csv file that can be accessed in the weather studio. Why? How to find the full file path of weather.csv in R Studio? I need to make a copy that can be accessed by a rattle GUI Any help would be appreciated. You can view all the files using the rattle package dir (system.file (package = "rattle"), recursive = TRUE) Path of anyone y...

java - STOMP vs WAMP over Spring-WebSockets -

I am currently working on a project that needs to work with websacetes. The client will be the only browser, so neither of these two messages are interested in the broker facility. Although I do not think that this will be a lot different, but I would be interested if I used to comment on some versus vs. subprotocol using spring-websacents. Cheers, Edited (27-02-2014) : As such, programming directly with webcapsets is low-level, so it is possible to use several sub-protocols In many places (a spring document) is recommended for. In addition, the protocol on the sub-website is a type of country web site security; Just like you can do a sub-protocol verification. There are many other sub-protocols that can be used instead of STOMP or WAMP instead of XMPP, AMQP. I can not find more information related to these and websacet, most of them are related to message brokers only. One reason (obvious) that I should use STOMP on any other sub-protocol I'm using Spring-Web...

c# - ICollection in interface with another interface as the type -

Is it possible to designate the interface as the type of general storage property of a different interface, and then after that it has a specific class ? Here's an example of what I'm trying to do: Public Interface IMembershipPrincipal {int ID {get; Set; } String Username {get; Set; } ICollection & lt; IEmail & gt; get an email; Set; }} Public Interface IEmail {String Address {get; Set; } Int UserID {get; Set; }} And define the actual classes in any other project: public class users: IMembershipPrincipal {[Key] public int id {get; Set; } Public String Username {get; Set; } Public virtual iconging & lt; Email & gt; get an email; Set; }} Public Class Email: IEML {{Key} Public String Address {get; Set; } Public int UserID {get; Set; }} The IMembershipPrincipal has access to the only IEML definition, but I want to apply the IECL using the email rather than IECL. I am currently receiving an error which says: Error 1 'User' does not apply to...

javascript - font-awesome icon link to a URL, need ideas and solutions -

यह कैसे किया जाता है? मेरा प्रयास यह कर रहा था & lt;% = link_to "& lt; i class =" fa fa-facebook fa-3x "& gt; & lt; / i & gt;", https: // www। & gt; स्पष्ट रूप से मुझे इसकी सही पता नहीं है क्योंकि यह केवल एक बहस उर्फ ​​स्ट्रिंग के रूप में एक शरीर ले सकता है धन्यवाद! "पोस्ट-टेक्स्ट" आइटमप्रॉप = "टेक्स्ट"> आप ऐसा कुछ कर सकते हैं: & lt;% = link_to " / 1464365723776237 "करो% & gt; & Lt; i वर्ग = "एफए एफए-फेसबुक एफए-3 एक्स" & gt; & lt; / i & gt; & Lt;% end% & gt; यहाँ link_to के लिए दस्तावेज है:

javascript - Changing <p> with a dropped href -

I have a problem, basically I have a PHP code that generates objects from my database, it looks like That: ($ I = 0; $ i + lt; $ num_rows; $ i ++) {list ($ news_id, $ news_name, $ news_img, $ news_date, $ news_link) = $ results-> and for ; Fetch_row (); Echo '& lt; Tr & gt; '; Echo & lt; Td> '$ News_date.' & Lt; / Td> '; Echoes' & lt; Td id = "udrag". $ I. '& Gt; & Lt; A href = "get_news.php? Newsid = '. $ News_id.'" Id = "drag". $ News_id. " "Draggable =" true "ondragstart =" drag (event) "& gt; '. $ News_name.' & Lt; / a & gt; & lt; / td> '; Echo' & lt; td & gt; & lt; img src = "'. $ News_img 'Style = "width: 50px" /> gt; & lt; / td & gt;'; resonant '& lt; td & gt;' $ string1 = substr ($ news_link, 0, strokes ($ news_link, Com ') + 2).' ...

ios - Upload a file to particular folder in Dropbox -

I have an iPhone app where I want to upload a file to the user's Dropbox on the local disk of the phone. I want to give the user the option of uploading anywhere in my dropbox. I have seen so many apps doing this, but I have not found any examples online, which takes me through a step by step tutorial. ! Any indication will be helpful Edit: // Setup DBSession * dbSession = [[DBSession alloc] initWithAppKey: @ "XXX" appSecret: @ "XXX "Root: kDBRootDropbox]; [Dbsession set-up session: db session]; [Self handlobebox session]; DBRestClient * restclient = [[DBRestClient alloc] initWith session: DB session]; Restclient.delegate = self; [NSTM Scheduled Timer Widetime Interval: 5.0 F Block: ^ {[Self Testing SavefileTodbox: Resclient]; } Repeats: No]; // relevant methods - (void) testSaveFileToDBox: (DBRestClient *) Customer {NSString * localPath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource: @ "info" ofType: @ "plist"]; NSString * filename = @ ...

java - websphere network deployment v8.5.5.0 not scanning annotated web service classes during deployment -

I have a simple ear file that contains a war file in which the local EasyWeb class is annotated with WebServity. @WebService @Stateless @LocalBean Public Square TestWS {@WebMethod} Public Int wordfile () {return 42;}} My web The XML file is as follows: & lt ;? XML version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; Web-app xmlns = "" xmlns: xsi = "" XSI: Schema location = "Http : // "Metadata-FULL =" false "version =" 3.0 "& gt; ; & Lt; / Web application & gt; When I keep this file on my test server (WebSpace application server v packed with RAD v9.0), scan and deploy web services And I can see them in the configuration, access the screen and WSDL files properly. However, when I try to apply the application to webserver appl...

internet explorer - Using Flash Player in Windows HTML5 app -

Looking for Adobe Flash Player / Arr roadmap (found) I saw it: "Flash Player releases and debug players are available and both 8/64 and ARM platforms are supported for Windows 8 desktop and Modern UI experiences. " I found a possible method to think about which Windows 8 may be enabled for the use of the flash player to be omitted. Currently, using AIR, you can also create an app for Android and iOS as well as for Windows Desktop. But Windows 8 Modern UI and Windows Phone 8 are both unsupported platforms. So this idea was this. If the IE supports 10 Flash Player for the modern UI, and if HTML5 uses IE under the hood to run the modern UI windows applications, then it is believed that you can download a Flash Player app inside an HTMFX app. Wrap, and then, Wola, you have a windows modern UI app running near the action script (though it still will not work for Windows Phone 8.) Good. I have tested it, and (sadly) it does not work. I can almost bet that this is not ...

Check if a field is visible with WTForms (no patches) -

If any field is visible with WTForms, then what is the most obvious way to confirm it? I have a gene macro which provides the form field, and it is necessary to leave the rendering label for hidden areas. I've just been playing around something and have reached this conclusion: {% if field.widget.input_type! = 'Hidden'% {{field.label}} {% endif%}

php - User's data on cURL requests -

What does the curl send to the address of the request? PHP script is hosted on a dedicated server when I'm accessing the script, is it sending my IP address or server with a referrer? I was always thinking about this. Since the PHP server is requesting, it is sending its IP address.

r - Plotting with Knitr in Lyx -

I am trying to plot using Nitro in Lakes. When I latex error: file `data / Unknown- chanch 'was not found. I have tried to include extensions in the initial brackets, but without success. How do I get my plot? Define the function (not important, just to show how I defined y (this is not important, but just to show how y is defined) The code that runs and then the error occurs (note that I had directed the package in pure R) & lt; & Lt; Warning = false, message = false, resonance = = FALSE & gt; & Gt; The same error: latex error: file 'statistic / anonymous' = librate (ggplot2) qplot (y = y, x = 1: 1000, main = 'log-leakillood') @ 'was not found. Firstly, install the packages separately, just runni ng install.packages In the code> Pure R seconds, you do not define y . Here's a minimal example that produces a plot without showing the R code, warning or message: ...

graph - R Plot - Do not understand behavior of axis function -

I am quite new to R and am searching for axis function. Here is a small piece of code x = seq (0,1,0.2) y = seq (0,1,0.2) x1 = c (1,1) y1 = c ( 0, 1) Axis (1, = x, label = x, pause = 0), axis (2, at 1) plot (x1, y1, xlab = "x-axis", ylab = "y-axis", axis = FALSE) = Y, labels = y) abline (0,1) This is a simple xy graph, what exactly do I want to label the Y axis (0,0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8, 1.0). Although there are some weird X axis going on here (0.6,0.8,1) I've spent some time, but I think I'm stuck. Does this give only a suggestion to the axis system which can choose to ignore it? What am I missing here? Thanks a lot for your help? plot (x1, y1, xlab ="> By default, does not plot unnecessary white space, if you do not consume excessive If you want white space then you apply it with axim and yli logic.

Vim plugin which uses the compiler Include to jump to function, and show prototype and auto-compilation -

Primarily in Vim on Linux, if I have an AC or c ++ source file that contains several other header files . Is there any plug-in available which can use the compiler (-i) and shows the syntax of the function on which the cursor or jumps in some definition I know about CTAG, but there is more advance in the case of windows studios like Visual Studio. There is more and they both use libclang to complete the fulfillment.

c# - Accessing list from Sharepoint Webservice with Sharepoint Online 2013 -

I am trying to access a list from the post office with sharepost. I have made several attempts to different web reference URLs for my web service: /sites/dms/_layouts/15/start.aspx#/Lists/Documents/AllItems.aspx The Web service URL I'm using now is Clearly, is not the actual URL. When I run the code service.GetList ("document"); I get an error: The list does not exist. There is a list in the page you selected that does not exist. It may have been deleted by another user. 0x82000006 My complete code (many things are for testing purposes only): Public Zero UpdateList () {MKLists.Lists service = GetService (); String targetsite = ""; (Client contact with CTX = claimclipintext.GetAttined Context (target site)) {if (ctx! = Null) {ctx.Load (ctx.Web); // web ctx.ExecuteQuery (); // Execution String = (ctx.Web.Title); }} Cookie ...

testing - how to fetch a data from one file location and to run using tcl code -

How to get data from a file location in TCL and use that data to use TCL code For example, there is a config file in Folder 1, I want to get the information of the config file and I want to execute the existing information, .. source /the/path/to/the/file.tcl If the file has Tcl code but you do not trust it, then you can use the"> interp alias ): # reference set I [Interp create-safe] # Set a path to specify Let the Master know that to do exactly what the # interrupt alias $ I configures {} records the configuration records record configurations {puts " Conn with $ args Figured "} # Evaluate scripts (note that [source] is hidden by default) $ i invokehidden source /the/path/to/the/file.tcl # reference in the reference destroyed $ i If the file is not Tcl code, you have to parse it. This is a very complicated thing, so that before we can answer we have to know the format of the file.

What is the right Uri syntax for multilevel navigation in ODATA? -

And products from categories from I'm confused about Yuri's correct form, from Navigation to customer to navigation for the product. In the beginning, I gave myswive / customer (1) / product (10) / categories, but he gave me an error. Then I tried MySave / Customer (1) / Products / Categories which were working correctly. I saw many examples on the Internet as Yuri, which I initially tried to do but it does not work for me. Can anyone explain about this? The correct type of URI depends on the multiplicity of the navigation property. If a customer can do many products then the first form is correct. If a customer can make the maximum product then the second form is correct. Perhaps the multiplication set in this navigation property is incorrect in your service.

performance - Node.js CPU load balancing -

I made a test with JMTor to test the performance of the ghost blogging platform. Ghost is written in Node and 1GB RAM was installed in the cloud server with 1 CPU. I saw that 400 concurrent users are receiving JMeter errors. Load up to 400 concurrent users is normal. I decide to increase the CPU and add 1 CPU. But the error was republished and added 2 CPUs, totally 4 CPUs are having problems after 400 concurrent users. I do not understand why 1 CPU can control 400 users and the same result with 4 CPUs. During the monitoring, I noticed that only one CPU is busy and 3 other CPUs are useless. When I check the JMMR summary in the console, there are about 5% of errors. See screenshot I like to know Is it possible to balance the load between the CPU? Do you have cluster for load balancing and node 0.10.x Using the module? If so, please update your node.JS to 0.11.x. Node 0.10. X was using a balance algorithm provided by an operating system. Algorithm in 0.11.x, s...

javascript - jQuery checked checkbox value shown in input textbox and uncheck will remove -

I am trying to find a solution as stated in my headline that when you have multiple checkboxes and when You check the checkbox will be paired with a value like "blood" in an input text box. Each checked value in the text box will be separated with space or comma. When you uncheck a checkbox, the value corresponding to it will be removed from the textbox. The closest example I have ever given is: I have tried & lt; Input type = "text" name = "text" id = "result" value = "" and> and $ li.text to change the code around a bit (This.value); to $ li.val (this.value); but nothing appears. Unfortunately, Jackie I do not know. If possible, please enter some light? What can you do? var arr = []; $ ('Input Input'). Change (function () (if checked) {arr.push (this.value);} and {arr.splice (arr.indexOf (this.value), 1);} $ ('# Target'). Val (arr + '');));; LET; DOCTYPE html> gt; top & gt...

php - Search Keyword and Code from one search -

Currently, I have 2 search boxes, one for another product code for the keyword. I only have 1 search box but the user is allowed to search both the keyword and the code. \ My search Php file currently has: if (isset ($ counter)) {for ($ r = 1; $ r

objective c - iOS: why object turns to the start position after animation comletion -

)) I try to animate UIButton (two parallel animation: changing and moving images) after the animation button I should be transferred, but after completing the animation button it turns into a starting position. Please help fix it! thank you in advanced! - (IBAction) Bug OnTapped: (ID) Sender {[UIView Animation with Disorganization: 1.0 Animation: ^ {self.bugOneButton.imageView.animationImages = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: [UIImage imageNamed: [UIImage ImageNamed: @ "bugOne2"], [UIImage imageNamed: @ "bugOne1"], [UIImage imageNamed: @ "bugOne2"], [UIImage imageNamed: @ "bugOne3"], [UIImage imageNamed: @ "BugOn4"], [ UIImage imageNamed: @ "bugOne5"], [UIImage imageNamed: @ "bugOne4"], zero]; Self.bugOneButton.imageView.animationDuration = 0.3; [Self.bugonebaton.image high-start permission]; = CGAPXMake (auto.bugonoxexX, auto.bugonebatone.technas.A50); Self.bugOnePositionY = self.bugOnePosi...

fragment - searchfragment is adding to back stack multiple times when i search using actionbar searchview android -

I am using action-bar search-view. Whenever a search is done, I am making a piece, but my problem is that whenever a new search is done, it is also adding backstacks. Code: Private Wide Handelent (intent intent) {if (Intent.ACTION_SEARCH.equals (getIntent (). GetAction ())) {QueryString = getIntent () GetStringExtra (SearchManager.QUERY); GetString ("videourl", getResources (). GetString (R.string.serviceurl) + "/ Gateres / + + ((Global Class) getApplicationContext (). GetShared () GetString (" StationID "," Null ") + "/" + QueryString); Bundle ("app", true); Bundle.putString ("xmlroles", session.getUserDetails (). Get (SessionManager.KEY_NAME) .get (1)); bundle.putstring ( "ChannelID", "Empty"); SearchRecentSuggestions Suggestions = New Search Revision Offer (This, MySuggestionProvider.AUTHORITY, MySuggestionProvider.MODE); Suggestions.saveRecentQuery (Query String, blank); Piece Transactio...

git - put files under version control - how to untrack them and ignore -

I've added files under version control. Now I need to remove them from version control and ignore them in my project. . Is it just putting those files inside in .gitignore or do I have to delete them first? What is the correct methodology? If you want to remove the file from your git while leaving the file in your work directory, Rm - cached file is required, then commit. If you add the file to .gitignore , then the current version of the file will be in GIT.

rest - Checking HTTP status codes in groovy -

After I created a RESTful service and I tested it in SOAPUI HTTP response code in the groovy script. I have tried to use the following: DEF value = messageExchange.responseHeaders ["# condition #"] Prior emphasis value == 200 But it always returns an error and does not confirm. (The experiment I am using gives 200 status codes, but I do not know how to keep Groove correctly) Can anyone guide me Could? I do not want to get the get operation in groovy; I am getting the received using different soapui and I just want to test the status code. "itemprop =" text "> This will prove to be very useful for future use. I searched and found a post about it. I tested it with an HTTP step (sorry, I do not have any comfort services to use) and it works well. Fortunately, SoapUI handles all the requests in the same way, so it should work well for you as well and the raw code:. def groovyUtils = new com.eviware.soapui .support.GroovyUtils...

html5 - Jquery Mobile Navbar button image Fit -

I'm working on query mobile in Intel xdm. Trying to modify used query1.4.1.js and navbar (custom navbar). I'm having trouble setting the background of each button on the navbar, if I've set the images in the background of the Neg bar, then this & lt; Li style = "background: url (someImage.png)" & gt; & Lt; A href = "" & gt; Such as in the ratio of buttons; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; This button gets out of the box but if I click & lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "" & gt; ; & Lt; Img src = "" / & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; This is setting a button like a red button in this link, if I set its width, the height will be placed in the 100% image center and the padding / spaces will be left in the top left and right. I want to set the background of each button accurate in the nav bar. Any help would be appreciated.