objective c - Why is my custom delegate method not being called? -
I have a view controller with 4 buttons (homepage) and then a tabbed controller with 3 view controllers. One of the view controllers of TabBarController, I want to use a tabber icon as a way to go back to the "homepage". I am connected to a custom class that I called "Homeview Controller" for that view controller. See the picture below Home VIPU Controller File. I have created a protocol with a method called "return toohompepe" Home ViUi Controller Whenever the file loads the file, it calls the representative. In my homepage view controller. File I have to make sure that the file protocol follows HomepageViewController File I instantly set an example of HomeViewController and set myself up, but never called the homepage method again! Not sure what I'm missing ... I think before you are representative representative set you are calling the representative method. When you call the alloc-init controller, it is called Start an...