
Showing posts from March, 2010

joomla2.5 - How to get component name? -

जूमला 2.5 टेम्पलेट में घटक का नाम कैसे प्राप्त करें? अर्थात्: com_contact , com_search , com_kunena मैं सम्मिलित करना चाहता हूं & lt; jdoc: शामिल प्रकार = "मॉड्यूल" नाम = "दाएं" / & gt; केवल कुनाले फोरम पर ... यह कैसे करें? यह प्रयास करें, & lt;? Php अगर (जेआरएइवेईईईईईईईईईईईईईईईईई) & Lt; jdoc: शामिल प्रकार = "मॉड्यूल" नाम = "दाएं" / & gt; & Lt;? Php endif? & Gt; इसके बजाय सिर्फ मॉड्यूल प्रबंधक से उचित मेनू में मॉड्यूल निर्दिष्ट करें, तो यह केवल उन पृष्ठों पर उपलब्ध होगा। आशा है कि इसकी मदद करता है ..

javascript - How to replace all instances of a substring but only whole worlds in JS? -

उदाहरण के लिए यह फ़ंक्शन फ़ंक्शन प्रतिस्थापित सभी (str, x, y) {return str .split (एक्स) .join (y); } Var x = "मेरी बिल्ली के पास टोपी है।";; मेरी बिल्ली के सिर पर एक टोपी है लेकिन मेरे साथ वापस जाना है मेरी बिल्ली के सिर पर एक टोपी है। अपने कार्य को परिभाषित करें जैसे शब्द सीमा regex के साथ: फ़ंक्शन प्रतिस्थापन सभी (str, x, y) {वापसी str.split (नया RegExp ("\\ b" + x + "\\ b"))। (y) में शामिल होने के; } तब: repl = replaceAll (x, "at", "on") // = & gt; मेरी बिल्ली के सिर पर एक टोपी है

java - android:layout_alignParentBottom="true" and android:gravity="bottom" seem to have no affect on RelativeLayout -

I have a visible page that I'm trying to set in the lower part of the screen (lastly all other items With RELATIVE layout) However, Android: Layout_LinePantBotm = "True" and Android: Gravity = "below" has no effect on the resiliency layout and I'm not sure why XML: & lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; xmlns: Android = "" Android: id = "@ + id / drawer_layout" Android: layout_width = "match_parent" Android: Layout_height = "match_parent" & gt; & Lt; LinearLayout Android: id = "@ + id / content_frame" Android: layout_width = "wrap_content" Android: layout_height = "match_parent" android: focusable = "true" Android: orientation = "vertical" & gt; & Lt; / LinearLayout & gt; & Lt; ListView android: id = ...

sql - Normalize one-to-one boolean relation -

is a large table products in my product model; Boolean flag disabled I need to add. Generally I will just add a new area to the current table. But the use of this feature will be very low, and given the number of records in the table, this new field will create display and make an unnecessary hit at the disk space. So I decided to do one type of NF generalization one-to-one relationship (ie foreign key referenced products ; reference to this field; Not that this is actually 1 NF - this is a part of my question). But I do not really need the true and false values ​​for the disabled attribute of each product, because it shows that the table size of the relationship The size will be equal to products so there is no need in the respective area of ​​the table. So my schema is: create table products (ID INT primary key, name VARCHAR); Create tablet disabled_products (product_id not INT; contract FK_product foreign key (product_id) reference product (ID) on daylight casc...

How can I use struct defined in one class in a different class in C++? -

मेरे पास एक वर्ग में यह संरचना है, Class1 । स्थिर संरचना गणना {int member1; इंट सदस्य 2; Int सदस्य 3; } Count1, count2, count3; में Class1 , मैं गिनती चर के सभी तीनों में वृद्धि कर रहा हूँ और इसे फिर से Class2 एक अलग फ़ाइल में मैं यह कैसे कर सकता हूँ? क्या मुझे एक शीर्ष लेख फ़ाइल में Class1 को शामिल करने की आवश्यकता है? स्थिर चर गुंजाइश सीमित है लेकिन अगर आप कक्षा 1 परिभाषा के अंदर गिनती संरचना को घोषित करते हैं, तो जीवनकाल पूरे कार्यक्रम के माध्यम से है, फिर भी आप कक्षा 2 में इस स्थिर गिनती ऑब्जेक्ट का उपयोग नहीं कर सकते हैं, भले ही आप उस फ़ाइल को शामिल करें, जहां कक्षा 2 को परिभाषित किया गया है। आपको फाइल में गिनती संरचना को वैश्विक बनाना है और फिर इसमें फ़ाइल को 2 कक्षा में प्रवेश करने के लिए शामिल कर सकते हैं

Why won't this little Lisp expression work? -

This is my first day of Lisp. I'm finally trying to write another statement ... hopefully this Years will be some time. I'm not sure why this is giving me an error? (cond ( Why it crashed? It says that variable '& lt;' Is unbound? I'm not exactly getting Lisp ... Thanks in advance. cond takes a list of trials and segments (cond ( gt; & gt; if test is true & gt;) ( & lt; if test2 is true & gt;) ...) I think you want to write (cond (( what is actually found in your question (cond ( , None of these symbols is defined by default in the variable namespace, so you will get an error. If you have only one form dispatch, and only want to do something if it is true, use when to cond . Is more common. (when (& lt; 1 2) (print "hey"))

c# - Telling EF 6 to Ignore a Private Property -

I use the unit framework 6.0.2 to map some handy coded models to an existing database structure I am here. At this time the primary model is: the public class event {Public Ent ID} set; } Public Guide Legacy ID {Receive; Set; } Public string note {get; Set; } Public virtual iconging & lt; Event history & gt; History {get; Set; }} ( Event History Model is not really relevant to it, but this part is working properly, so that EF can record child records for this model Mapping is easy.) Mapping is simple, and I try to be as clearly as I can (because the application increases there will be some less intuitive mapping): public class events map: EntityTypeConfiguration & lt; Occurrence & gt; {Public Opportunity Map () {ToTable ("Event"); HasKey (o = & gt;; Property (o = & gt; OID). Asteruper (). Hack name ("id"); Property (o = & gt; o LegacyID). mandatory (). HasColumnName ("LegacyID"); Property (o = & gt; o ...

MIPS: J-format Instructions and Address Encoding -

I am skeptical when it comes to address encoding for J-format instructions. Class notes from Let's assume that L1 is at position 41 9 4340 in decimal, which is 400024 in hexadecimal. We fill the target field as an address in the instructions (0x100009) instead of bytes (0x400024) Can anyone tell me why is this? j directions jumps to the target However, because the instruction set is limited to 32 bits, and 6 is used for the option code, only 26 can be used for the target goal. This means that distance can travel to a j direction is limited because it works by adding its target to some of the important bits of the current IPC. The MIPS instructions set could have been set by saying that when a j instruction is given, you can specify the first 6 bit of the IPC to j 26bit targets are added, but instead it was instructed that a program can junk always "align the word" means that this address is always a respect of 4 and hence the last 2 bit of the...

Controlling Spring-Batch Step Flow in a java-config manner -

According to Spring Batch Documentation (), it is very easy to control the phase flow in an XML config file: example For this I can write the following work configuration: & lt; Job ID = "myJob" & gt; & Lt; Step id = "step 1" & gt; & Lt; On failed = "CUSTOM_EXIT_STATUS" /> & Lt; Next = "*" from = "step2" /> & Lt; / Step & gt; & Lt; Step id = "step 2" & gt; & Lt; End = "1ST_EXIT_STATUS" /> & Lt; Next = "2ND_EXIT_STATUS" from "Step10" /> & Lt; Next = "*" from = "step20" /> & Lt; / Step & gt; & Lt; Step ID = "Step 10" Next = "Step 11" /> & Lt; Step ID = "Step 11" /> & Lt; Step id = "step20" next = "step21" /> & Lt; Step id = "step21" next = "step 22" /> & Lt; Step ID = "Step 22" /> &...

Editing/Updating user not working when using has_secure_password in Rails 4 -

I am using Michael Hart so that my own user can become an atom system. When creating a new user, everything is working fine, while trying to update a user, it is not able to understand things until I'm using the has_secure_password method so I can pick it up And I worry about encrypting it. But when I update, there is some strange behavior. The important part is that I can update and authenticate a user without entering any password, but if I do not enter a password and a confirmation, then a confirmation requirement for it is. If I enter only a confirmation password, then there is no update with the error. Now that the is_saker_password seems to be doing that part, why not make it while updating it Used to be? What I did not add to my user model is the presence recognition due to this line in the tutorial: Attendance attributes for the password and its confirmation is automatically added by the_secure_password. I know that there are similar questions, but no strong...

Get Referer URL and FOLDER name in PHP -

I have several folders on my domain, each folder has an index.php file that checks to see that Whether the database connection passes or fails, if it fails, the top level file (outside of all folders) is called offline.php to the page. This part works great if DB is offline then I'm using to redirection the original format: if (! $ Dbconnect) {header ("Location: https: // www / offline.php "); } Then, offline. Within Php page, I need to see which folder user is offline. Bring to Php page and display a unique message for the user - based folder that has brought them to the offline php page. For example: redirects to .php offline, the message will say 'test1 brought you to this page' redirect to .php offline, the message will say 'test2 brought you to this page'. Browsers in multiple, I have used the following code, which is always in 'unknown uri': $ url = 'https: /...

mysql - MS Access equivalent query -

I am trying to write a query that I know is compatible with MS Access from MySQL. This is a programming assignment, so I do not expect to answer directly, but I do not know the MS Access version of SSL very well. I wrote MySQL myself, and tested it to work. When I realized that the query needed to work for it instead of MS Access, here is the known code: SELECT` D`. RERECNUM`, `R` .RENT_DATE , `D` VIDNN````` MOVIE_TITLE`, `D` DETel DDATT, `D``t`t` DTR & DT``D DTEERAI FI, `D`. DETEELR EDD DETERDADAT 'DAIS_LAT' as `Statentant` as` D` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` ` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` ` MOVIONA 'D`. DETELLTDTUTRDDT-`D`. DETERRDDAT` & gt; Order by 0```````````````````````` and 'M'; I am trying to convert to MS Access SQL, but I still do not get it. Here's the most recent effort [DC] [D] [D]. [RITNDT], [R]. [RCDADT], [D]. [VID_NUM], [M]. [MOVIE_TITLE], [D]. [DETAIL_DUEDATE]...

Open multiple file types in a VB.NET openFileDialogBox -

I used the openFileDialogBox filter method to allow multiple file types to be opened, but the user chooses this What kind of file dropdown they want to use can appear only with the matching extension of the selected file type. How can I show all files with extensions that match all my files? I do not want all files to be visible / open, only those people I have employed. Just specify what you want to allow ... just an example ... dim dlg As new OpenFileDialog () 'filter files by dlg.filter =' Office files; * .doc; * .xls; * .ppt "dlg.ShowDialog ()

bitbucket - GIT Attach repo in other repo -

I use GIT at I have 2 repositories; The first repository is repo 1 and there is only one file ( ui.css ), but the second repository ( repo 2 ) is the full app. The directory and file schema repo2 : index.html js / js / jquery-custom.js css / css / styles.css img / Img / ... Now import from repo1 (only one file) to css / directory in repo2 . After that, my repo2 ( styles.css and ui.css ), but when I file the Repo1 (file ui.css ), then I also want the change in repo 2 .

infinite - CodeNameOne InfiniteProgress Issue -

I am having problems with providing the next screen if infinite progress is used and if this piece of code is indexed Then I show the next screen where it displays a list. final form poList = (form) super.createContainer (getResourceFilePath (), "POList"); Connection request request = new connection request () {hashtable response = zero; Protected void readResponse (InputStream input) {// Read and Pars the feedback} Secure void postResponse () {if (response! = Null) {Get a sorted list from try {// response and fill the list to fill the list use it. Show (); } Hold (exception e) {e.printStackTrace (); }}}}; Request.setUrl (poListUrl); Request.setPost (wrong); Request.addRequestHeader ("Authority", "Bearer" + AccessToken); Request.setContentType ("text / xml"); / * If these three rows are commented then the next form is shown properly * / infinite progression ip = new infinite progress (); Dialog dlg = ip.showInifiniteBlocking ();

Passing parameters to remote SSRS report from ASP.NET MVC application -

I have an MVC application that uses SSRS to report (web form and report Using the viewer). I want to pass two parameters dynamically in the remote report. My current implementation stores the parameters in the session, which works well on the VS development server, but the variable on the IIS is empty, on the recovery in web access. Here is the controller method that calls the view Show public action results (string id) {var report parameter = new dictionary & lt; String, string & gt; (); Report Parameters.Add ("Param1", ID); Report Parameters.Add ("Param2", "user1"); Session ["report parameter"] = report parameter; See Return ("ReportName"); } And here's how I try to get the parameter from the web form Secure zero page_load (Object Sender, EventArgs e) { Var report parameter = (dictionary & lt; string, string & gt;) session ["report parameter"]; Forex currency (parameter parameter in...

php - First word of array value to array key -

मेरे पास एक सरणी है जो इस तरह दिखता है: Array ([20] = & gt ; ADEP EGKK [21] = & gt; ADES EGLL [22] = & gt; AOARCID एबीसी [23] = & gt; AOOPR एबीसी [24] = & gt; ARCID ABC123 [25] = & gt; ARCTYP MD11 आप देख सकते हैं पहली सरणी कुंजी 20 है, क्योंकि पहले 19 मैं preg_match का उपयोग कर सेट किए बिना: अगर (isset ($ _ पोस्ट [ 'योजना'])) $ fplparts = विस्फोट ( "-" $ FPL); $ पैटर्न = "/ एफ ए सी | शीर्षक | शुरू | अंत | पीटी | PTID | ATSRT | ICAOCONTENT / मैं", foreach ($ $ कुंजी = & gt रूप fplparts; $ मूल्य) {अगर ( preg_match ($ पैटर्न, $ मूल्य)) {सेट नहीं ($ fplparts [$ कुंजी]);}} print_r ($ fplparts); अब मैं अपने सरणी की तरह है देखने के लिए चाहते हैं इस: सरणी ([ADEP] = & gt; EGKK [ADES] = & gt; EGLL [AOARCID] = & gt; एबीसी [AOOPR] = & gt; एबीसी [ARCID] = & gt; ABC123 [ ARCTYP] = & gt; MD11 इसलिए मूल रूप से, मैं प्रत्येक मान के पहले शब्द को स्थानांतरित करना चाहूंगा उन्नत करने में धन्यवाद। आप...

java - DataInputStream readLong() is getting the wrong value -

नमस्ते मुझे readLong () विधि DataInputStream के साथ कुछ परेशानी हो रही है जब मैं DataOutputStream.writeLong () के माध्यम से एक मान डालता हूं तो यह सही मान है, लेकिन जब इसे भेजा जाता है, यह बहुत बड़ा है जैसा होना चाहिए, मेरे पास एक रननबल में कोड है स्टेटमेंट ताकि प्रोग्राम फ्रीज न हो यह क्लाइंट है सॉकेट = नया सॉकेट (आईपीएड्रेस, पोर्ट); बोस = नया बफ़रऑप्टपुटस्ट्रीम (सॉकेट.गेटओटपुटस्ट्रीम ()); डॉस = नया डेटाओटपुटस्ट्रीम (बोस); फ़ाइल f = नया फ़ाइल ("सी: / यूज़र / एलयूकेप्पट / डाऊलोड / रिवॉववैट 22.ज़िप"); लंबी लंबाई = f.length (); dos.writeLong (लंबाई); स्ट्रिंग का नाम = f.getName (); dos.writeUTF (नाम); FileInputStream fis = नया FileInputStream (f); बीआईएस = नया बफ़र इनटस्टस्ट्रीम (एफआईएस); Int theByte = 0; जबकि ((thebite = ())! = -1) {bos.write (theByte); } Bis.close (); dos.close (); सर्वर साइड सर्वरसॉकेट सर्वर = नया सर्वरसॉकेट (8080); जबकि (सच) {socket = server.accept (); System.out.println ("एक ग्राहक मिला!"); बीआईएस = नया बफ़र इनटस्टस्...

jquery - Zurb Foundation 5.1.1 Javascript bug -

I wanted to design a basic website or basically wanted to edit the templates of a zurb foundation. So I download the Jabber Foundation package and edit the code. Everything works fine, but when I refresh the page some jazzery elements do not work. Example: I had a carousel and on refresh, the indicators are not showing and it will automatically Size changes. However, everything jumps back to normal as it should be when I open the inspector I resize the browser and return it again. It is quite a wine experience that I have used bootstrap before and have never seen it. How can anyone solve this or is there a bug in this foundation docs? A known problem with 5.1.1. See I had a similar problem - it was only while using a non-mined script. The problem I have manually included changes made in this committed:

Trouble finding highest/lowest element in array C++ -

I am very new to C ++, only had experience in C #, Python and JS, so bear with me ! I am taking the user input on 5 points and storing it in an array. I pass the array and evaluate the digits in the array to find the lowest value and the highest value. I have to leave those two, then the other 3 values ​​should have an average address. My problem is, I can not find the highest / lowest value I have the argument () and find the highest () but to test it I have put the same argument in the main () to see that What work he has, and his work is not. Can someone guide me to find the highest / lowest values ​​in the array? Thanks! #include "stdafx.h" #include & lt; Iostream & gt; # Include & lt; Semith & gt; # Include & lt; Iomanip & gt; # Include & lt; Algorithm & gt; using namespace std; Zero getJudgeData (double score) {cin> & Gt; Score; If (score> 10 || score & lt; 0) {cout & lt; & Lt; "Invalid score, please en...

nfc - Host Card Emulation Android 4.4 -

Now Android supports card emulation on Nexus 5 with 4.4, it is possible that some apps may be available Which allow me will be very easy. Cheers! Cheers! No, it is unlikely, usually, using fake Android / Cloning is not possible. Many access control systems use Card ID (UID) to identify the card (or even access control desicion!). With Android HCE, an App Emulated Card ID can not be set. Many access control systems use card / archiving which is an app only with SmartCard ISO 14443-4 (ISO-DEP) + ISO 7816-4 Smartcard Protocol Android HCE Can imitate applications that use ISO 7816-4 APDU and application structure. Even if the Access Control System does not use the card ID and the ISO 7816-4 Smart Card app, it is very likely that the card contains some cryptographic secret (secret key) Can not be removed from the card through the smart card command.

.net - Straightforward way to verify uniqueness of an IEnumerable elements -

What is the simplest way of being a IEnumerable value of integer Is it possible to verify that all elements are unique? Compare the number of unique elements with total count: Sequence.Disting (). Calculation () == sequence.count (); Note that this will tell your sequence 2-3 times.

javascript - Stereo convolution with web audio -

I am trying to explain mono impulse with a stereo audio file using the web audio API. Instead of having the true stereo output to the problem, I'm getting what looks like the same track repeated for both channels and looks like here is my code: var context = new AudioContext (); Var source = context.createBufferSource (); Source Buffers = buffers.user; // stereo file var splitter = context.createChannelSplitter (2); Var Confollor = Reference. Credit Convolver (); ConvolverL.normalize = false; L.buffer = buffers.pulse at Condole; // mono impulse var condolare r = context.Cracket consolver (); ConvolverR.normalize = false; Condolevar R. Buffer = buffers.psy; // same mono impulse merging separately = reference. Generation Channel Major (2); Var gain = context.createGain (); Gain.gain.value = 0.75; // Connection connection source. Connect (splitter); Splitter.connect (convolverL, 0); Splitter.connect (Row, 1); Condolev L. Connection (Merge, 0, 0); R Connect to Condole (Merge, 0,...

angularjs - Optimizing ng-repeat digest loop for iPad devices -

I have Bootstrap 3 modal in my angle app I have standard ng-repeat with around 30 rows: & lt; Div class = "col-md-9" & gt; & Lt; Div ng-repeat = "Table table in tables. Track by ID" & gt; & Lt; Button type = "button" class = "btn btn-primary" ng-style = "table style (table)" ng-square = "table class (n)" ng-click = "settable (table)" bo-text = "" & gt; & Lt; / Button & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; When the model is loaded, first digest loop takes approximately 300 mms for the first time to load. 3 The more digested loop is said to be just about every 20 min. NG- It is super fast to comment on repeat and takes less than 100 mms. Every NG - Repeat adds, increases the time of digestion before about 100 mms. Can anyone explain how digest works with NG-repeat? And why are the digest loops too fast?

parsing - Can addresses in Intel Hex be overlapped? -

I'm trying to write a simple Intel hex parser myself. And even after reading the wiki I have some questions. 1. Can the address be overlapped? I mean this check is always right? if (hexal [k] -> gtk + hexal [k] -> count> gt; hexale [k] of [1] - & gt; address) HEX_DEBUG is sorted ("[%" PRIx16 "] address and [%" PRIx16 "]" "overlapping", hexcel [k] -> address, hexal [of + 1] - & gt; address); Return HEX_EOVERLAP; } 2. Could there be a difference between the address hex file used to load some EPOS? I mean, I should use (if 1 of hexal [k] -> address + hexal [k] - gt; count & gt; hexale [of + 1] - & Gt; Address) {} / / & gt; Compare or if (hexal [k] -> address + hexal [k] -> gt; count = hexcel [k-1] - & gt; address) //! = Comparison probe. I could not find some restrictions on this. I have never been overlapping in my practice, so I'm also interested in knowing this But, mo...

c++ - Cocos2dX endless map -

I am a newbie with cocos2dx, I create a game using toc mapped with cocos2dx and tiled (.tmx) I am trying to, I do not know whether this is a good way to go, but I want to create an endless map, a game when you can run and run, if you want, then I try to use two tilemaps Was and was repeating one another without success (I still have the Cocos 2 DA Very limited knowledge of S am :)). Do you recommend this approach to me? If not, what do you recommend to me? If so, how can I put two tilemaps next to each other? itemprop = "text"> You should follow this official tutorial on how to create a good endless title map: here As long as there is a tutorial for javascript but the square used is similar. Hope this will help.

Dynamics crm 2011 user load testing -

Dynamics CRM 2011 system administrator for a community donation that provides home healthcare and support to individuals referred to me by a local community. District Health Board We are currently in the testing phase of a project to develop and implement a CRM patient management system and want to test the configuration to see that Is it 200 district nurses and support can handle worker staff, who must use the system when we live. What do I need to know if anyone has experience in user load stress testing for any on-premise dynamics CRM 2011 system and before that what is the best way for us to do this? We do not have enough money to stop the shelf product (if any) or developing our user load test application I have searched for all the forum and other CRM sites but I could not find anything to suggest this What is the best way to solve that problem or if we really need to test user tension with the configuration our application Registration Server 6 GB of RAM, 80 GB system dr...

opengl - does gluLookAt has impact on glRotate/glTranslate/glScale? -

मेरे पास निम्न कोड है: glMatrixMode (GL_MODELVIEW); glLoadIdentity (); GluLookAt (0.0, 0.0, 10.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.1, 20.0); ग्लोटाटेफ़ ((जीएल फ़्लोट) 45, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0); glRectf (-1, -1,1,1); आयत को y- अक्ष के आसपास घुमाया जाएगा मेरा परिणाम दिखाता है, यह अभी भी मेरी खिड़की के केंद्र में है। लेकिन क्यों? जैसा कि मुझे पता है, फ़ंक्शन gluLookAt संशोधित मोडल्यूवर मैट्रिक्स और यह अंदर glTranslate को कॉल करता है, इसलिए उपरोक्त का सटीक व्यवहार है glRotatef कॉल करें? रोटेशन त्रिज्या 10 क्यों नहीं है? (10 ग्लू लुक एट के पास तीसरा प्रिम है) मैं उस कारण की तलाश कर रहा था जिसके कारण मेरी ऑब्जेक्ट ' जब मैंने आपको कोड देखा तो स्वयं को घुमाएंगे। मेरे कोड में, gluLookAt से पहले मैं glRotatef डाल दिया है, जो आपके कोड में एकमात्र अंतर है मैंने ऑर्डर बदलने की कोशिश की और इसे स्व-रोटेट करना शुरू कर दिया। अपने कोड में दो फ़ंक्शन के क्रम को बदलने की कोशिश करें और देखें कि यह कैसा दिखता है। मुझे वास्तव में इसका कारण नहीं पता है आशा है कि कोई इसे समझा सकता है।

windows - Store A Specific Line Of An Application's Output in a Variable -

I am using the utility to get image image information, here is the code that it uses in VBScript Does: Moderate SH set SH = Wscript Create Object ("WScript Shell") SH Aaron ". \ Intro .XA -Weboz D: \ Scan \ GPG" Identify it. Exe will start and show JPG information in the console window and it will stop! There are several lines of output on the console window, for example I want to store the line 5 in a variable in VBSP, just imagine the line 5 is "Resolution 72DPI" and I want to store it in rspi in vbscript so that i Use it for future purposes Dim SH, strobe set SH = WScript.CreateObject ("WScript.Shell") SH.Run ". \ Ident.exe -verbose D: \ Scans \ 1.jpg" StrOut = ident .exe Output Row 5 How to do this? There are some options: In a file Try redirecting the output that you can later parsed: sh.Run ". \ Ident.exe -verbose D: \ scans \ 1.jpg> c : \ Exit.txt " Use Exec () instead of the run (). W...

linux - Getting physical address from /proc/[pid]/pagemap -

I am told that I use a code related to a virtual address using / proc / [pid] / Find the address PageMap . I've read that this PageMap file is an array of 64-bit entries, where the bits related to the page frame number are 0-54. I do not know how to translate this leap into a virtual translation for physical partly, I do not know how to find the entry I want in this file; Nobody decides how they are indexed. Besides, I do not know whether PFN is virtual or physical and I do not know what to do with PFN, how can I move forward? Thanks Split VA to page size (normally 4096) Use as offset in / proc / self / pagemap. Then take that number (page), multiply by pages (4096), and offset by your VA% 4094. Larry

Getting multiple MySQL Query results on Visual C# Console App -

I am trying to print results from a MySQL query on a Visual C # console application. I'm able to get more than one column on a line, as you can see below, but I'm wondering how I can get many results (rows). You can see, there are more records in my table that meet the query criteria. Can somebody help me out? class program {static zero main (string [] args) {string ConnectionString = "Server = localhost; Database = world; Uid = root; Pwd = password"; // Connection string giving MySqlConnection connection = new MySqlConnection (ConnectionString); MySqlCommand CMD = connection.CreateCommand (); Cmd.CommandText = "Select name, city from population where population> 4000000"; Try {connection.Open (); } Hold (Exception Pre) {Console.WriteLine (ex.Message); } MySqlDataReader Reader = cmd.ExecuteReader (); While (reader.Read ()) {Console.WriteLine ("City name is:" + Reader ["name"]. ToString () + "" + Reader ["Populatio...

Android Navigation Drawer Layout throws an error -

The layout of the drawer uses two relative layouts, throws an error: xml file : & lt; xmlns: android = "" android: id = "@ + id / drawer_layout" Android: Layout_width = "match_parent" Android: Layout_height = "match_parent" & gt; & Lt ;! - List view to display the slider menu - & gt; & Lt; RelativeLayout Android: id = "@ + id / relative_layout" Android: layout_width = "match_parent" Android: layout_height = "match_parent" android: layout_gravity = "start" & gt; & Lt; ExpandableListView android: id = "@ + id / list_slidermenu" Android: layout_width = "197.50dp" Android: layout_height = "fill_parent" Android: layout_gravity = "start" android: background = "# 2f2f2f" Android: choiceMode = "singleChoice" Android : Divider = "@ draw...

c# - What is a writeable bitmap? -

I think it can be used as an image source for wpf files, but no one can give me all its They can show through information, as well as the importance of each component. Apart from this, I am confused as a bitmap, it should be called in a program; Is this an array? Wire? I found the description on MSDN unclear An example of what I'm talking about is below ColorBackcap = new writable bitmap (sensor.colorstream.framewidth, sensor.colverstream.framhite, 96.0, 96.0, 32, Blank); A is a bitmap source that can be written and updated, as @ User2864740 has said a bitmap "represents a single, stable pixel on a fixed size and resolution." Writeable bitmaps are often used instead of normal bitmaps because it is better in cost-effective and streaming video like Knet. Essentially this means that it is an image that has been updated, without making each frame a new step

c++ - Storing hexadecimal addresses in a file -

I have a pinto application that stores the memory address accessed by an application in a file. These addresses are in hexadecimal form if I write these addresses as string, then there will be a large amount of storage (about 300 GB) in it. Writing such a big file will also take a considerable amount of time, so I think in an alternative way to reduce the amount of storage used. Each letter of hexadecimal address represents 4 bits and Each ASCII character is of 8 bits. So I'm thinking of representing one hexadecimal characters by an ASCII character. For example: If my hexadecimal address is 0x26234b , the related converged ASCII address and (0x will be ignored as I know hexadecimal will be.) I want to know that there is a more efficient method to do this, which takes less storage. Note: I am working in c ++ this is a good Beginning If you really want to move forward, you might want to consider communicating the data using something like ZIP Library or Huffman enco...

Set SQL DateTime to Empty/Nothing in -

मेरे पास SQL ​​( दिनांकटाइम डेटाटाइप के) में एक दिनांक कॉलम है । किसी विशेष परिदृश्य के लिए, मुझे अपने ब्राउज़र में इसे रिक्त रूप में दिखाना होगा। मैंने कोशिश की मंद DOB के रूप में नल योग्य (तिथि की तिथि) = दिनांक। अब मंद आंकड़े स्ट्रिंग के रूप में = DOB.Value.ToString ("डी") DOB = कुछ भी नहीं लेकिन यह मुझे डेटटाइम एक उचित प्रारूप में नहीं था कहने में त्रुटि देता है । यहाँ क्या गलत है? आप निम्न में से किसी एक को भी आज़मा सकते हैं: मंद आंकड़े के रूप में स्ट्रिंग = IF ( DOB कुछ नहीं है, "", DOB.Value.ToString ("d")) या डायरेक्टिंग के रूप में स्ट्रिंग = "" यदि नहीं है तो डीबी कुछ नहीं है तो डीएटीस्टिंग = डीओबी.वैल। टॉस्ट्रिंग ("डी") समापन यदि

How to launch an Android SubSettings Fragment? -

For example, how do I launch user settings? It has not been implemented as its activity, so I'm not sure how to get it started. Below are some other similar questions but these are either more common or more specific. My question is to start an arbitrary multilingual piece piece. You start with sub-certification activity and Android: Show_frame Additional Android settings can launch a sub-screen with the name of the full-qualified category suitable for the preference preference category. For example, to start UserSettings: ADB shell start-n / -e: android : Show_fragment Settings.users.UserSettings To start DeviceInfoSettings: adb shell start-n / com. Android.settings.SubSettings - e: Android: show_fragment These examples use 'adb shell start', but in principle you can use this java code Can edit (edit: Unfortunately, you ...

javascript - Difference between function and constructor function -

I want to know the difference between the function and the constructor function. General function function = dosomething () {// do something}; Constructor function function = Dosomething () {// do something}; Why do we have the capital of the first letter in the constructor function? There is no specific reason behind it there is no difference - using a capital letter for a function is a function During the making, there is a best practice which will act as a producer. The reason this is how you behave in a way that behaves them differently is because the function is the first class in Javascript. For example: function myRegularFunction () {console.log ("regular"); } MyRegularFunction (); My Function: MyObject Function () {console.log ("object" MyInstance.myMethod (); Hope that helps.

c# - How to highlight text resulting from dynamic model in mvc? -

I'm displaying the schedule and I want to highlight the item currently in the program. Data is returned in the schedule by dynamic model binding. I am not using any grid like telerelax or some other data is populated in bus div, any kind of assistance will be thanked. Is it possible to do this through the controller? Take a look at this I believe that this will help you basically give you a group You have to set up a model and then you can call active items via javascript and you can complete the highlight you are looking for.

datetime - time delta parameter in python script -

I am a novice user of Python 2.7 I have a script that produces a series of dates & amp; Timestamps and TimedText (relative to the previous date and timestep): 2014-02-11 12: 11: 38.303000 0:00:00 2014-02-11 12:30 30: 36.851000 0: 18 : 58.548000 2014-02-11 13:58 58: 33.776000 1: 27: 56.925000 2014-02-11 14: 53: 49.193000 0: 55: 15.417000 2014-02-12 09: 32: 40.186000 18: 38: 50.993000 2014- 02 -12 09: 32: 40.187000 0: 00: 00.001000 2014-02-12 09:37: 50.535000 0: 05: 10.348000 2014-02-12 14: 00: 14.496000 4:22 22: 23.961000 2014-02-13 08:51 : 52.554000 18: 51: 38.058000 2014-02-13 09: 04: 47.179000 0: 12: 54.625000 2014-02-13 09: 05: 26.359000 0: 00: 39.180000 I following Trying to add and implement functionality (using some example values ​​below User's defined value in (40000 = 40 seconds) last_timestamp = 2014-02-13 09: 04: 47.179000 current_timestamp = 2014-02-13 09: ( time_immeter = 40000 # 05: 26.359000 Time_delta = 0: 00: 39.180000 if time_data> = Time_mete...

amazon s3 - Need to format and create an NSString -

I need to create an NSString which is equal, current year-month-day-hour (24) -minnet-seconds -Milisecand .filetype This will plug in this NSstring NSString * filename = [[NSBundle main bundle] pathForResource: [NSString stringWithFormat: @ "image% d", ImageNo] ofType: @ "png"]; try it NSDateFormatter * df = [ NSDateFormatter new]; Df.dateFormat = @ "yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss-S"; NSLog (@ "% @", [DF StringFormat: [Date of NSDT]];

regex - comparing two string by adding pattern in perl -

I want to match two strings and then want to add some tags to the final output. For example $ String1 = "adaptive actuator failure and structural & lt; match & gt; loss & lt; / match & gt; Nasa's compensation"; $ String 2 = "adaptive actuator failure & lt ;? $ 262 #? & Gt; and to show structural damage ?, show $ 262 #? & Gt; NASA compensation; Output Requirement: "Adaptive Actuator Failure & lt ;? $ 262 Show? And Structural & lt; Mail & gt; Damage & lt; / Match & gt; & Lt ;? Shows $ 262? & Gt; NASA Compensation Explanation: I want to map data from string 1 to string 2 but the problem is with string 2, which has additional element, this element can come anywhere in string 2 . Note: We can not remove the tag from string 2 because we want to put it in the final output I tried to add an element pattern to each letter but it does not work Used to be. I have tried the code: $ every = ...

Convert sweet.js argument into string -

How can you create a sweet.js macro string from an argument? For example: let foo = macro {rule {$ name} = & gt; {Console.log ('$ name', $ name); }} Var x = 42; Foo x will output: console.log (x, x); When I like it in output: console.log ('x', x); So the first argument is the quote around it. You can use case macros: let's foo = Macro {case {_ $ name} = & gt; {Letstx $ name_str = [makeValue (Inevitable syntax (# {$ name}), # {here})]; Return # {console.log ($ name_str, $ name); }}} Var x = 42; Foo x The basic idea is that you can use a new string token ( makeValue ) using the string value of the identifiers transmitted through $ name. ) / Code> ( opening syntax gives us the value of the syntax given to the object, in the case of an identifier this identifier is a string). Then letstx allows us to force our newly created syntax object for use inside the template.

java - How to differentiate between Exchange default folders and Custom folders? -

I am preparing mobile client app for Exchange Server. I want to know that users have a way to differentiate between exchange default folders, such as RSS feeds, news feeds, quick step settings, notes, sync issues, inbox etc., by which users create it. As default folders can not be removed, do I need to find a way to restrict the deletion option for folders in my application? All EWS or EWS managed APIs in default folders - Not sure how in front of it in Java has come. Therefore you can allow users to delete the folders until the folder was a specific / renamed folder.

coordinates - Android gestures -

I'm new to Android. I am creating an app in which I want to get all the dynamic coordinates of the scroll signal. For example, if I want to draw a line, I have to get all the coordinates of that line. How to get it? I have tried to assume in the array like this: @ Override Public Boolean On Scroll (Motion Event Me 1, Motion Event Me 2, Float Distance X , Float office y) {x = me1.getRawX () + me2.getRawX (); Xval.add ((int) x); Back true; } @ Override Public Boolean On Touch Event (Motion Event Me) {this.gDetector.onTouchEvent (me); Onscroll (me, me, x, y); Intent I = new intent (); I.putIntegerArrayListExtra ("key0", excel); SetResult (RESULT_OK, i); End(); } Return gDetector.onTouchEvent (me); This code is only capable of bringing the first coordinate of scroll gestures You do not get all the coordinates of the line, its incompetence Instead you use the mathematical formula for the distance from point to point, and see if you are close enough if you are ...

sql - dynamic joincolumn and join clause with variables -

I have a unidirectional one-to-one relation. What I want to achieve is either using creating a fixture on the class and sending the variable for it so that I can change the add column (to change the join column) Any other suggestion can also be welcomed) Ignore the first section created by Hibernate and make specific O segment using the criteria in the lower part of the question. My query that works in SQL Manager: SELECT d.Description, d.AccountId, d.PartnerId, a.FormattedName InvoiceDesigns D INNER Join the UserAccount at = case when D. Partner ID! = -1 and d.AccountId = 1 then D. Partner ID WHEN d.PartnerId = 1 THEN d.AccountId ELSE 1 END where d.AccountId = 1 or PartnerId = 1 The functional query runs in SQL Manager, not in hibernate. This is what I want to achieve, I want hibernate to create a query like this. When an account says an example, pasted with an ID = 1, the design shows that they are A) Designer of the partner ID is not 1 and 1 is the accou...

Unix Shell comnand Pattern to list files expect any one file from pattern -

Textprop = "text" Strong> cat3 #l cat [1-5] Which amendments to the above given command to cat3 Output must be cat1 cat2 cat4 cat5 In addition to this, I use cat1 to cat10 to ls Cat [1- 10] but its only cat1 in output The way you can exclude any list of characters Areas are: LS cat [^ 3]

How to give from's name/id in ruby on rails -

मैं नियंत्रक को फ़ॉर्म जमा करना चाहता हूं। मेरा कोड: & lt;% form_tag (: नियंत्रक = & gt; "a",: action = & gt; "b",: method = & gt; "c")% & gt; जो इस तरह के दृश्य को रूपांतरित करते हैं: & amp; एफ़टीपी कार्रवाई = "/ a / b" method = c "method =" post "& gt; ... & lt; / form & gt; लेकिन मैं चाहता हूं कि ... इस तरह ... & lt; form name = "myFormName" id = "myFromId" action = "/ ए / बी? विधि = सी "विधि =" पोस्ट "& gt; ... & lt; / form & gt; मैंने इस आधिकारिक लिंक की जांच की है: लेकिन मैं समाधान खोजने में असमर्थ हूं। आप इस प्रकार की जानकारी को इनके माध्यम से जोड़ सकते हैं: & lt;% form_tag ({: नियंत्रक = & gt; "a",: action = & gt; "b",: method = & gt ; "C"}, {: name = & gt; "myFromName" ,: id = & gt; "myFromId"})% & gt;

How to send Inline images in Email with Python/Django? -

I am trying to send an inline image via python / Django. The code is showing how I am doing it is still in development, so now it is done to do all this, an embedded email message is sent in which embedded in a backing bee it happens. However, when I receive an email in my Gmail Inbox, I only see the following text: Various mime parts of email-based email are shown as text in the payload of email. I clicked the forward button and pasted the full email below - so that you can see what I get. Can someone suggest why I am wrong here? And possible solutions? to: myApplication & lt;> Date: Tuesday, February 18, 2014 1:39 AM Subject: Hello world: Content-type: Multipart / related; Border = "============= 5170682983005376168 ==" mime-version: 1.0 - ============== 5170682983005376168 == Content-type: text / Html; Charset = "us-ascii" MIME-version: 1.0 Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit & lt; P & gt; Hello...

c# - Printing UTF-8 Encoded Text in EPSON TM-T88IV Thermal Printer -

I have used the instructions given below to print via .net for EPSON TM-T88IV thermal printer. . I am using the code below, I have changed the encoding to UTF-8 but still Unicode can not be printed. Some junk characters are printed. Private zero frmMain_Load (Object Sender, EventArgs e) {Print (PrinterName, GetDocument ()); } Private prong string PrinterName = "Epson TM-T88IV receipt E4"; Private Static Byte [] GetDocument () {UTF8Encoding utf8 = New UTF8Encoding (); (Var ms = new MemoryStream ()) (var bw = new BinaryWriter (MS, encoding. UTF8)) // Reset printer bws (NV images have not been cleaned) bw.Write (AsciiControlChars Escape); wife. White ("سلام دنیا"); Bw.Write (AsciiControlChars.Newline); // Feed 3 vertical speed units and cut a paper with a 1 point cut BWWright (AsciiControlChars.GroupSeparator); Bw.Write ('V'); Bw.Write (byte) 66); Bw.Write (byte) 3); Bw.flush (); Return to MS. ToArray (); }} Private static zero print (string printer...

sql - Database Table: Quantity or redundancy -

I am creating a database that has a lot of items for the bike shop. Many accessories in this bike store Like 100 wheels in size 4 and color 'red'. My question is this: It is better to add the 'quantity' field to set up the unit and put all the same objects into one unit (example 1) or it is a unit for each item (e.g. Is better for 2)? Example 1: ID | Color | Size | Quantity 1 | Lal 4 | 100 Example 2: ID | Color | Size 1 | Lal 4 2 | Lal 4 3 | Lal 4 etc. 1st - QFiinity field - unless you have no reason to track the example serial numbers , And still you can go to v1 and use a different column. Generally: Get a copy of the Data Model Resource Book Volume 1 - There is a ton of discussion about the standard business data problems, one of those list systems will teach you a lot.

java - stream handler to @lob field in jpa entity -

क्या डीबी CLOB से द्वारा स्ट्रिंग क्षेत्र @Lob द्वारा annated। मैं अपनी सेवा के लिए सभी फ़ील्ड को प्राप्त किए बिना रेखा से फ़ील्ड लाइन पढ़ना चाहता हूं। I'am का उपयोग कर रहा है: BufferedReader रीडर = नया BufferedReader (New StringReader (entity.getField) ())); पढ़ना सेवा शुरू करने पर लेन-देन शुरू होती है और सभी कार्य किए जाने के बाद किया जाता है। I'am यकीन है कि यह कैसे काम करता है क्या रीडर कंक्टक्टर से सर्विस मेमोरी में पूरा क्षेत्र मिल गया है या डीबी में डेटा के लिए हेन्डलर ही है? इसी प्रकार की संहिता JDBC कनेक्शन बिना JPA के साथ है और java.sql.ResultSet.getNCharacterStream (int कॉलम इंडैक्स) ।

jquery - Django-jfu Object [object Object] has no method 'fileupload' -

I am using Django-jfu () to upload a file to my site. But I get this error message in the console: Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] A method 'fileupload' is Using function fileupload is: $ ( '# fileupload') fileupload ({formData :. [{name: "csrfmiddlewaretoken", value: "S96vL7eMvCvRInQ5ezuQqWT3bhOOUzDz"}], autoUpload: true, maxNumberOfFiles: 5, sequentialUploads: true, acceptFileTypes: /(\.|\/)(gif|jpe?g|png)$/i, maxFileSize: 2000000, minFileSize: 50000,}); and include js: I think the function called "fileupload" is not properly said or the function is missing. Can anyone help me on this problem? Thanks!

android - Unwrap word in a row of sliding menu (jfeinstein10) -

How do I open a line in a row of the sliding menu (Jeffinstein 10)? When I designed the sliding menu on my tablet, it worked fine. However, when I opened the program on my phone, the text was wrapped (small screen size). You can either broaden the menu so that it contains all the rows in the line setBehindWidth or setBehindOffset or you can set property to singleLine fits in each Android: Single Line In the code: setSingleLine (true) >

javascript - RactiveJS - Advanced condition in conditionals structures -

In the documentation of RativeJS, we can check the condition in the template that any variable is true or false ... Is possible to make a little more detail? Something like {{# var == 1 & amp; Var2 == 2}} HTML code {{/ var}} ? I have many possibilities for the form and if I have to adhere to each variable to make the conditions, then it is really too long & amp; The toughest ... If we can not do this, someone can advise me to find a good library to do data bindings =) Edit: > After more testing, I know this code is okay {{# var1 == '1' || Var2 == '2'}} Ok {{}} but this code is not {{# var1 == '1' & amp; ; & Amp; Var2 == '2'}} Ok {{}} Is this normal? Plunkr => As I mentioned on the github issue, your Emergence to & amp; Amp; & lt; Script & gt; Use tag, a & lt; Form & gt; . If you need to handle more complex logic, call them and call them: {{# isOk (var1, var2)}} Ok {{}}...

regex - Reguar expression to allow few Special Characters -

I'm new to validation via RegEx I have an input field through regex must be alphanumeric characters - _ / / () In this case, your regex will set a set (you \ ): ^ [a-zA-Z0-9 \ -_ \ / \. \ (\)] * $

php - How do I get default WAMP page? -

A few hours ago I installed two different Firefox versions to test my web applications but it was very busy and I Everything uninstalled and Firefox reinstalled the latest version. Now I'm just using the latest Firefox version. After restoring the latest Firefox, I launched my WAMP server before that when I type a local host in the web browser, I showed a page similar to the image below But now when I'm launching Firefox I'm getting a page like I remember That was an index.php file in the www directory. That file is also missing, but I'm pretty sure I did not delete the file intentionally What really happened? All my other browsers (chrome) display the same thing (similar to the second image) How do I get that default vamp page? The index.php file generates the 'last' page, but does not remember that file. WAMP should work to restore! mvc 4 - MVC4 Razor View Batch Methods -

I have an HTML helper that shows translated resources based on some business logic. Now it uses a webservice to load helpful translated resources. The problem is that we have to call a webservice for each single translated resource. Of course we cache the results but the initial call still takes too long. If we can process batch like translated resources, then what would be good. As we collect all the resources that are translated and after that we know which resources are to be translated, there is only one website call that translates all the resources for us and it is in the right place Shows Is there a mechanism in razor templates for this?

osx - How do I draw a single circle on a frame in OpenCV/Python while continuously updating the x-y position and redrawing? -

I want to draw a circle on the first frame of a video based on a mouse click, and if the cycle is refreshed The user selects another position (i.e. only one circle should be drawn on the frame at a time). To do this, I copy the original image after the initial frame capture, and each time it returns to a new circle before it is ready. In my real code, XOPS and UPS mouse click and radius in the trackbar input, but below I have extended the X and Y systematically whereas for simplicity inside the loop (the codes given below are still Are not expected). What do I get from this code? This is a bunch of circles drawn on the first frame, not once, as I had expected firstname = 1 cv2 .nameWindow ('test') cap = cv2.VideoCapture ('video.mp4') if cap.isOpened (): ret, originalframe = () # frame 1 frame = read the original cap cap .release () xpos = 10 ypos = 10 while (first frame == 1): frame = original frame # original frame (frame, (xops, UPS), 10...

javascript - mongodb node.js client, connect hangs -

node .js client hangs when mongo client. Connect (...) , but works on the Mongodb-client (shell command line) terminal. any clue? var requires Mongoclant = ('Mongodb'). Mongoquent; MongoClient.connect ('mongodb: //my.mongo.db.server.ip: 27017 / test', function (error, db) {throwing error (if mistake); console.log ("connect shows during call back ");}); // When the node loads in the shell, it hangs forever

visual studio 2010 - Upload txt file from c++ console application -

I created a console application that stores all user instances in the .txt file. Now I want to upload this txt file like something like a dropbox or something else can you give me some suggestions on how to do this? I found this link from the MS page, which could solve my problem: In this case, I need an ASP.NET website where I have to upload files. Is there any other possibility? Like uploading directly to Dropbox? This should be a comment, but my representative seems too little. Why do not you save the file to a folder, which checks the Dropbox / Google Drive for files to sync with the cloud?

visual c++ - C++ - check if safe functions are needed -

When I am using Visual Studio (MSVC), and using the strcat function I'm sorry, then error me error C4996: 'strcat': This function or variable can be unsafe. Consider using strcat_s instead. To disable exclusion, see _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS Use Online Help for details. If I wanted to create a project that was for compilers such as GCC , then there is a way to find out whether it is safe Functions are required, for example MSVC macros? You can use conditional compilation for cross-platam code such as: #ifdef win strcat_s (... #else strcat (... #endif MSWC compiler recognizes such calls of such functions as acceptance reject Done and generate a warning at level 3. Therefore, just compile this level with (or more) and see the warnings.

java - WebDriver open new tab -

I have detected the Web and WebDriver API. I do not see any way to open new tabs using WebDriver / Selenium 2.0. Can someone confirm if I am right? Thank you, Chris. PS: The current option I see is either loading a different URL in the same window or open a new window. There is a completely cross browser approach to using a WebDrive, which says that you Still can not be lazy. First of all, you need to use a WebDrive to tag the page that opens the tab you want. Here's how I can do it (Note: Driver is a Web driver instance): / ** * executes a script on an element * @ Note actually then The only thing that should be used when the web driver is sucking * functionality natively * @ the ultimate script * to execute the script * @ The goal of the ultimate element script, Logic [0] * / Public Zero Trigger (string script, Web allem Print is referred to as elements) ((JavaScript Akskshk) driver) KexecuteScript (script elements); } / ** executes a script * @ Note should be use...

javascript - OnSelectedIndexChanged not firing once deployed -

I'm not the first to choose, the on-selected index is not firing in IE, once deployed: And much more. Here's my code: & lt; Asp: Dropdown List ID = "MyDropDownList" Runat = "Server" & gt; & Lt; Asp: ListItem text = "life" value = "1" /> & Lt; Asp: ListItem text = "universe" value = "2" /> & Lt; Asp: ListItem text = "everything" value = "42" /> & Lt; / Asp: DropDownList & gt; More: Secure Override Zero OnInit (EventArgs e) {MyDropDownList.AutoPostBack = true; MyDropDownList.SelectedIndexChanged + = New EventHeader (MideropdownListSactedEndended); } Protected Zero MyDropDownListSelectedIndexChanged (Object Sender, EventArgs e) {// Many Things} Now we move the results into HTML . Here's with Chrome, (or IE with compatibility mode): & lt; Select name = "MIDOPRODOWNIST" onchange = "javascript: setTimeout ('_...

javascript - HTML node at caret position in contenteditable <div> -

I am working on the original Rich Text Editor (RTE) for a private site on which we are working. The site requires the use of RTTE to add a blog post. Everything is working fine, but I would like to toggle the active status of the buttons in the toolbar when they have specific style applied. It works fine for things like bold, italic etc. Because we can use the document.queryCommandValue ("bold") , and so on. We have the problem that & lt; Blockquote / & gt; and & lt; A / & gt; There is no way to detect things like tags We use & lt; Blockquote & gt; Add the elements as follows: // Insert a blockquote: this._blockquote = function () {// Receive the selected text: var theText = this._getSelectedText () ; // What are we taking? If (theText! = '') {Var quote = $ ('& lt; block / & gt;'). Html (theText) .html (); This._cmd ('inserthtml', 'blockpost & gt;' + quote + '& lt; / blockquote ...